Monday, April 28, 2008

The Boys of Summer....

...were out in full force this Saturday past, as we officially began another Little League season. Jim Driscoll, the League president, refers to us (and himself) as "sick and demented baseball lifers", as we don't have kids in the League anymore yet year after year we come back to do the baseball thing. Why we continue to do this to ourselves is anybody's guess.
This is my boy Preston (yeah, ok, he's not a boy anymore) honoring us, along with his bandmate Devin, with the National Anthem. I wish I had it on video because at the risk of bragging about my kid (again) I have to say it was one of the best versions I have ever heard. They had worked out the harmony and after singing together for over a year they really do harmonize well. I hope we can get them back for the playoffs! Note the scruffy beard and hair, and allow me to brag once more (cause it's MY blog, and I can brag if I want to); later that day Preston performed at the Courthouse Center for the Arts in the final night of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" in which he portrayed Charlie Cheswick, chronic pervert (pervert and mental patient, if you haven't seen the movie, hence the scruffiness). It was a great performance by all, and the cast included some well-seasoned actors. He was thrilled to join this new company, and plans to audition for "The Full Monty" next. So basically he's going from performing in front of an audience with one hand in his pants, to performing in front of an audience with NO pants. Yeah, that's my boy.

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