Every once in a while, as I've mentioned before, I promise myself that before I start any new projects, I will finish all the ones I already started. This usually doesn't last long, and results in much laughter from my family, especially Sparky. Who knows you better than your mother? Anyway, so far this time I am doing a little better than usual so maybe I'll at least get a few done before I relapse and start something new. Or, as it usually goes, several somethings at once. Saturday I finished a barbecue apron that I started a little over a year ago, and the pic above is the applique'd and painted border to a little dress I started...maybe as long as a year and a half ago. My problem is that I get these ideas and I start things, then work obligations force me to put them aside but then I get new ideas and start more things while the ideas are fresh in my mind. I think the current count for projects in the works is about 7; that does not count things I've been hired to make or projects for which I've assembled the materials and not started yet. But those are calling my name also.
If I had a new year's resolution, (AND I DON'T, because it seems those are doomed from the outset) it would be to pay more attention to my website and my Etsy store. Such good resources, but I don't take full advantage because it seems like I never have enough time! However, last fall a commitment that takes up a lot of my time and mental energy was removed from my life - yay! - so in the coming year I intend to make good use of that time and energy.
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