That is why, and I promise this is the last time I'm going to grind on this particular subject, I have decided to make a real New Year's resolution of sorts after all; I resolve to not feel guilty about starting new projects before I finish the old ones. It just goes against my bohemian nature to try and organize that part of my life, and it causes me stress. Who needs more stress? I think I expend way too much mental energy thinking about what I should be doing as opposed to what I want to do, and that energy can surely be put to better use.
Anyway, back to the hearts. A couple of nights ago several ideas hit me at once, and this was the first. I don't usually get inspired by Valentine's Day, but this year I am for whatever reason. These hearts are made from Sculpey, and they're not ready to bake yet obviously...still have to get all the little fingernail marks and dents out of them, and make holes through them. The idea was to make a necklace and earring set. I made extra, I think I will make a few pairs of earrings to sell separately. They are going to be finished with a glittery clear coat and strung with some crystal and white glass beads.
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