I've never seen a week go by so fast as when The Boy comes to visit. Granted, we all don't DO much of anything when he's here, he spends a lot of time running around touching base with all the friends he never gets to see and then roosts here at night. But that's ok, everybody wants a piece of him and we make him stay up late when he gets home so we get our piece too. We didn't get to see The Wife either, she stays with her family and spends her time touching base with all HER friends. Maybe next time. Anyway, Boy and Wife are on their way back to California today.
Also bugging out to California today is Sparky. As I type she and Auntie Pat are in Newark, awaiting their flight to meet my sister in San Fran, from there to proceed up to Redwood country to spend two carefree weeks on the mountain with the grandkids and the great-grandkids. I'm so glad she got to go, and I'm glad Pat went with her. Wish I was part of this mass migration to the west coast, but no. Ah well.

So it's the 4th and since there's no plan for the day, I think I'll go on bug and weed patrol, then work on some projects that are half-completed. One of my regular favorite customers showed up the other day with an armload of fabric for me and bribed me to make her some curtains in exchange. So now I have some new fabric for inspiration.
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