what happened was that I was making this little flannel baby jacket, and as I was looking at the colors in the print I thought, those would make a really colorful baby quilt! So of course I had to go get my tote o' scraps immediately, because you know if I wait I would never get around to it. I'm not really a "quilter" in the true sense of the word, but that's ok. If I had the time and patience to make real quilts nobody would be able to afford them anyway.
Quilts are not something I do all the time, but I guess my brain was still in quilt mode from having just recently finished this purple and turquoise one. Sparky doubted, she said those two colors fight...and to be honest, I think I've lost all perception of what colors go with what. I can not think of a color combination I've never used in the making of powwow regalia. After a while everything I learned in art class in elementary school just lost meaning (and believe it or not, I DID learn that in art class; they showed us a color wheel and informed us that these colors go together, and those do not. As you can see, I didn't pay a lot of attention in school).
Anyway, my response to Sparky was, "if I put them together, they're going to have to learn to get along". And they do. Apparently it's not just me, because the quilt I made was inspired by this little afghan I made out of a skein of yarn I found at the local consignment shop; purple and turquoise all variegated together. It also inspired several purple-and-turquoise baby outfits, which brings us back to the voices in my head.

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