...it was summer. No spring, just bitter cold and misery right into a couple weeks of mostly rain (ok, I guess that was spring) and now it's summer and we're playing outside with no jackets.
Being Memorial Day weekend, I have two days off (in a row!!!!) so I decided that I was going to make them count. I am not the sort of person to whom the idea of doing nothing appeals. I have to be doing something, all the time. I can't just sit and relax and watch TV, I have to be sewing, or crocheting, or painting, or planning my next project. Otherwise I fall asleep, and sleep as I see it is a tremendous waste of time.
But I digress. I managed, on day one of my two-day vacation, to get everything done that I wanted to do and then some, and that to me is a really, really good day. Finished the work I brought home to do, took pictures and listed some things I'd made on Ebay, spent the afternoon with Sparky cleaning out the herb garden/wildlife sanctuary behind her house (unearthing her many beautiful handpainted stepping stones like the one above), and cleaned my shower. In addition to that, Sparky and I hit a couple yard sales, and got some Del's, and later on Preston and I took a ride down to Aunt Carrie's for some chowda and clamcakes. And the day's not over!! Jeez, it's only 11:35, what else can I get into today??